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FOI 5825 Eating Disorders Outpatient Service

  1. Does your trust provide a specialist eating disorder outpatient service? If so, I would like to please request the following information.

No, we do not offer an eating disorders service.

  1. How much money has your trust spent on eating disorder units from 2012-2017, with a year by year breakdown?

Not Applicable

  1. The number of admissions to residential eating disorder clinics within your control from 2012-2017 (with a year-by-year breakdown).

Not Applicable

  1. The ages of those admitted in this time period, with a year by year breakdown.

Not Applicable

  1. The gender of those admitted in this time period, with a year by year breakdown.

Not Applicable

  1. A breakdown of the average amount of time spent in the unit by patients. (e.g. 1-3 months, 3-6 months etc)

Not Applicable

  1. The number of patients who require further hospital care after they are discharged from a residential unit, in a year by year breakdown.

Not Applicable

  1. The number of patients who have a home address further than 30 miles from the location of the residential unit they are in.

Not Applicable

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