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FOI 5830 Locked Rehabilitation Placements

  1. Please could you supply the name, email address and telephone number of the commissioner with responsibility for placements in locked rehabilitation.


For questions 2 through 7, please supply the following information as a snapshot at the end of the year for the financial years 2013/14 to 2016/17, and where possible, the most up to date snapshot available for 2017/18.


  1. Please provide the total number of adults funded by the Trust in locked rehabilitation.


  1. Of the total number of adults funded by the Trust in locked rehabilitation (q.2) please provide the number that are male and the number that are female.


  1. Of the total number of adults funded by the Trust in locked rehabilitation (q.2) please provide the number that were detained under the Mental Health Act and the number that were admitted on an informal basis.


  1. Of the total number of adults funded by the Trust in locked rehabilitation (q.2) please provide the number that were placed ‘in area’ and the number that were placed ‘out of area’.


  1. Of the total number of adults funded by the Trust in locked rehabilitation (q.2) please provide the number that were placed in NHS provision and the number that were placed in independent provision.


  1. Of the total number of adults funded by the Trust in locked rehabilitation (q.2) please provide the number presenting with a learning disability, a mental illness, an acquired brain injury, a neurological condition, or a personality disorder.


  1. Please provide the Trust’s total expenditure on locked rehabilitation placements for each of the financial years 2013/14 to 2017/18, and where possible, budgeted expenditure for 2018/19. If expenditure for 2017/18 is not yet available, please provide projected expenditure.


We do not hold this information as the Trust does not offer any locked rehabilitation or any locked rehabilitation placements

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