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FOI 5846 EPR System

1. Who is, or will be, your EPR systems provider?
Our EPR is managed in house.

2. What are the names and titles of the 2 main contacts within the Trust responsible for your EPR system?
The systems are managed in house, they are:
• Concerto – Ali Bahroni – Software Development Manager
Icare – Jonathan Daniels – Systems Architect
3. What are the names and titles of the 2 main points of contact for EPR budgets and cost saving initiatives?
Stephen Chilton – (Director of IT Strategy – Interim)
Anne Smallpage Deputy Director of IT

4. Who is responsible for Quality Assurance and Testing for the Trust’s IT & Applications?
For new systems it would be an aspect of the project and for system upgrades it would be managed as part of that project
5. What is your forecasted spend on EPR testing annually starting from 2017 onwards?
No budget is allocated to this

6. How many scripts are you manually executing for your EPR regression testing?
We do not hold this information
7. How long does it take to run a master regression test for EPR? i.e to execute all your regression scripts?
We do not hold this information

8. How many in-house testers do you have? Permanent staff and contractors today?
9. What modules do you have in your EPR currently?
Concerto is a clinical portal used to access other systems

10. What modules are you planning on implementing or upgrading in the next 18 months?
There is no planned work for Concerto or iCare

11. Is your EPR hosted by a third party or managed directly by the Trust.
Our EPR is managed in house

12. What is your total annual EPR budget?
There is no specific EPR budget
13. What % of your EPR budget is allocated for testing?
There is no specific EPR budget

14. In man-days, what is your total projected effort for systems testing in 2018? All systems.
We do not hold this information
15. How many changes do you implement each month for your EPR?
We do not hold this information; this is in an in-house system there is work taken place daily

16. How much of your regression testing is covered by automation?
Very little regression testing is covered by automation
17. Who is your CCIO?
We do not have a CCIO.

18. Who is your CIO?
The Trust Chief Information Officer is Matthew Rooney.
19. What is required to become an IT Services supplier to your Trust?
A Successful bid to formal tender process with our Procurement Department

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