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FOI 5882 ICT

1. What is your yearly spend on Client devices?
We do not hold this information in a retrievable format.

2. What is your yearly spend on Peripherals?
We do not hold this information in a retrievable format.

3. What is your yearly spend on Servers?
We do not hold this information in a retrievable format.

4. What is your yearly spend on Storage?
We do not hold this information in a retrievable format.

5. Who signs off on your IT procurement decisions?
Director of ICT

6. How many client devices do you have across your hospital?

7. The total number of IT staff employed by the organisation?

8. What client device vendors do you currently use?

9. What devices do you use, with appropriate Part numbers?
Optiplex desktops various model 760 to 5050 Laptops various model latitude D420 to latitude 5480

10. Do you outsource your IT?

11. Name all IT resellers you use, as well as the frameworks you list on, and the % of your budget they use?
Insight UK

12. How big do orders have to be to go on the frameworks?

13. Who makes up your IT department and what is the structure?
This information is available on the Trust’s website at FOI 5638 . We are therefore withholding this information under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 “information already accessible “.

14. What is your annual IT Budget for 2016/17/18?
15/16 £5,490,387
16/17 £6,191,143
17/18 £6,860,377

15. What difficulties do your It department deal with?
This is not a valid request for information under the Freedom of Information Act as it is not a request for recorded information.

16. Number of sites?

17. Number of users (approx. is fine)?

18. What operating system are you on?
Windows 7

19. What brand servers do you use, and how many servers do you have?
Dell and cisco UCS Blades

20. What anti-virus do you use?
Sophos enterprise

21. How long is your current contract?
5 Years

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