1. Please provide the following information for the people responsible for the following HR functions
1a. Overall HR
1b. HR/Workforce Planning
Please see attaché spreadsheet
2. For the following financial years, please provide the following information
“2a. What is the organisations total gross pay costs
(all expenditure on staff)”
“2b. What is the organisations total pay costs on your permanent workforce
(staff that hold permanent contracts only)”
“2c. How much did the organisation spend on contingent (non-permanent) or temporary workers
(this includes any temporary or contract workers such as agency workers, casual workers, temps, self-employed workers / contractors, inc. PSCs, umbrella companies, and all types of short and long term contractors) ”
Please see attaché spreadsheet
3. For the following financial years, please provide the following information, providing the figures as the number of employees & full time equivalents (FTE)
How many permanent workers did the organisation employ:
3a. Number of Employees
3b. Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
“On average, how many contingent (non-permanent) or temporary workers has the organisation engaged with:
(this includes any temporary or contract workers such as agency workers, casual workers, temps, self-employed workers / contractors, inc. PSCs, umbrella companies, and all types of short and long term contractors) ”
3c. Number of Employees
3d. Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
Please see attaché spreadsheet
4. Please list the software the organisation uses for the following HR functions
4a. HR
“4b. Payroll
(if the organisation uses multiple payroll software for different workers/payroll frequencies ie. substantive, agency/weekly, monthly payroll – please list all)”
4c. Recruitment
4d. HR/Workforce Analytics
4e. Other employee/HR related systems for tracking or planning
Please see attaché spreadsheet
5. Please state which Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software the organisation utilises e.g Oracle, SAP, PeopleSoft, Workday
Please see attaché spreadsheet
6. Does the organisation have a HR data warehouse?
Please see attaché spreadsheet