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FOI HGS 0044 Pathology


  1. Who is your current and previous pathology logistics contractor (spanning the last 3 years or existing contract- whichever is longer?

City Sprint

  1. What is the current contract(s) end date(s) and are there any provision for extensions?

The Trust does hold this information. However, we are withholding  this information, under exemption 43 (commercial interests) of the Freedom of Information Act: The Information is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it).

  1. Who is the named lead undertaking the NHS Improvements ‘Operational Improvement’ Activity to move to cluster operations for pathology networks? Please provide their name and salutation, their email address and mobile telephone number please.

Miss. Kymm Skidmore

Project Planner – Case for Change

BB:      07775 541 823

Tel:       0121 371 7254

Internal:           17254



  1. Who or which body would the procurement of your future contract be made by?

UHB Procurement

  1. Please provide the name, address, email and telephone number of the person responsible for the commissioning of services and the same for the person responsible for reviewing contract performance.

Andrew Ambleton

Procurement Manager

Procurement Department

Tel:      + 44 (0) 121 424 3623



Finance Directorate

Heartlands Hospital

Bordesley Green East

B9 5SS

  1. Please provide the current Service Speciation’s in place across the contract (s).

Please see attached current specification document.

  1. How is your current contract operated (in lots or as a whole)? What are the different budgets for these?

As a whole, but divided into lots for visability.

  1. What is your forecast spend in the following years if known:
  2. 2018/19
  3. 2019/20
  4. 2021/22

The Trust does hold this information. However, we are withholding  this information, under exemption 43 (commercial interests) of the Freedom of Information Act: The Information is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice the commercial interests of any person (including the public authority holding it).

  1. Please provide KPI and Penalties measure in place across this contract and the most recent performance review of the same.

Current specification documents are below

HEFT Transport Contract CCN 

27.3.17 Pathology Courier Service – Specification v.3

  1. Please provide the current service specification in place?

See current specification documents above


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