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Communications: Information Technology

FOI 5541 Electronic Patient Record system

Published: December 1, 2017

1. What Electronic Patient Record system do you currently use? Concerto, iCare(internally developed), Proton (for Renal), Medisoft (optometry), Carestream dental 2. The structure of your EPR team (including names/positions) Concerto – Ali Bahroni – Software Development Manager Icare – Jonathan Daniels – Systems Architect Medisoft – Anil Negi – Consultant Ophthalmologist and Clinical Lead Glaucoma […]

FOI 5518 Mobile Security

Published: November 30, 2017

Please complete the attached form regarding mobile security Please see attached FOI5518

FOI 5610 Staff contact details and IT systems

Published: November 30, 2017

1. The name and email address of your current Chief Clinical Information Officer. Matthew Rooney 2. The name and email address of your Current Director of Nursing or equivalent. Julie Tunney, Interim Chief Nurse ( 3. The name and email address of your Clinical Director that is responsible for Gastroenterology and Endoscopy. Marcus Mottershead […]

FOI 5652 Applications

Published: November 30, 2017

What Applications are you running for: 1. Finance? Oracle Applications 2. HR? ESR an NHS national system based on Oracle applications 3. Payroll? ESR an NHS national system based on Oracle applications 4. Project? We do not have specific applications for Projects 5. CRM? We do not have specific applications for CRM 6. Manufacturing? Not […]

FOI 5566 Transcription Services

Published: November 10, 2017

What dictation and audio typing service the Trust currently uses. A project to implement WinVoicePro and Winscribe Digital is underway. How long is the contract for and when is it up for renewal. 4 years, renewal April 2019 Contact details for who would be in charge of discussing these services. ICT Project team

FOI 5562 Scan for Safety or GS1 barcode system

Published: November 8, 2017

1. Which Hospitals in your trust are currently using the Scan for Safety or GS1 barcode system? The Trust does not currently use the Scan for Safety or GS1 system. 2. If a Hospital is currently using the Scan for Safety or GS1 barcode system is this system being used in stores? Not applicable  3. […]

FOI 5591 Digital Dictation

Published: November 8, 2017

Do you use Digital dictation within your organization? No If yes please could you answer the following questions? The name of the Digital dictation solution you use? The name of the supplier of this system? The procurement method that was used to obtain this system i.e. what framework? The current contract status and procurement intentions, are […]

FOI 5522 WiFi Provider Contracts

Published: October 27, 2017

1. Wi-Fi Provider- Who is the contracted supplier for the Wi-Fi contract. Qolcom 2. Average Annual Spend – Please state the annual average spend over three years for each supplier. If this is a new contract please state the estimate annual average spends. If there is more than one Wi-Fi provider please split annual for […]

FOI 5495 Fibre Optic Infrastructure

Published: October 18, 2017

Has the contract for the Fibre Optic Infrastructure upgrade works at Heartlands Hospital, Bordesley Green East tendered 7 March 2017 been awarded and if so, are you able to tell me who to? The contract was awarded to RD Jukes as the principle contractor who has sub-contracted out the fibre tubling/cabling element to Sudlows.

FOI 5504 Operating System

Published: October 18, 2017

How many endpoints in the Trust are using Windows XP as an operating system and how many have been or are in the process of being upgraded to a more secure and up-to-date operating system. 38 PC’s still running XP……All are in the process of being upgraded If possible could you provide the names of […]

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