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Communications: Policies and Procedures

FOI 3594 Risk management

Published: March 3, 2015

Your organisation’s current Risk Management Policy, and previous versions dating back to 1999 (or nearest equivalent, e.g. Risk Assessment Policy) Your organisation’s current Risk Management Procedures, and previous versions dating back to 1999 (or nearest equivalent, e.g. Risk Assessment Procedures). We have attached the documents you requested.  We are not aware that PHA methodology it […]

FOI 3533 MDT teams

Published: February 12, 2015

Does the Trust have any of the following Multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs)?  Care Pathway – Basal Cell Carcinoma – May 2009 MDT Name Yes/No If Yes please provide Members names and/or roles Head and Neck MDT  Yes MDT co-ordinator, ENT surgeons, Oncologist, Consultant Radiologists, Consultant Pathologists, Clinical Nurse Specialists and Voice/Speech Therapists. Local Skin Cancer MDT […]

FOI 3571 Dangerous incidents

Published: February 12, 2015

In the 2013 and 2014 calendar year on how many occasions was an incident report sent by your trust to the Health and Safety Executive under the powers of the The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations  where the incident was categorised as a Dangerous Occurrence? During 2013 7 (seven) incidents were classified […]

FOI 3535 Funding for Breast Reconstruction

Published: January 22, 2015

 Does Heartlands Hospital adhere to a CCG aesthetic policy? HEFT adheres to the CCG aesthetic policy. If yes, is this policy applied to patients on a breast reconstruction pathway following cancer? No It is not applied to breast cancer patients, it is only applied to benign breast hypertrophy for reduction procedures and to developmental deformities of […]

FOI 3502

Published: January 22, 2015

The response to your query is detailed below: 1.How many hours training must your HCAs have completed before they start their first shift? Our HCAs fall into two groups; those which are experienced and those which are not (SiW). SiW receive: Pre-Employment Training  = 14 hours 3 week induction programme  = 87.5 hours Experienced HCAs […]

FOI3454 Medical Handover

Published: January 8, 2015

You asked: I would like you to provide me with information regarding handover within the division of medicine.  In particular I would like you to include: – Relevant policy associated with handover used in your trust – Details regarding when medical handover occurs in your trust – Associated documentation used during the process of handover […]

FOI3486 Children’s Feeding Advice

Published: December 18, 2014

  Does the trust issue nutritional information to parents whose babies have feeding problems – ie problems eating lumpy foods – and/or whose babies struggle to gain weight? What is this information?   Yes the trust does provide nutritional information to parents whose babies have feeding problems . For those having problems with lumps please […]

FOI3190 Clinical Coding

Published: December 16, 2014

You asked: Please supply structure of your Clinical Coding Dept How many FCE’s per year do you have? How many Coders do you employ broken down into Bandings ( If not detailed in 1 above) Do you code totally from the full Medical Record or an EPR? How many separate systems are used to contribute […]

FOI 3417 Intubation

Published: December 4, 2014

1 – Does your trust stock “Difficult airway/can’t intubate, can’t ventilate” equipment (ie: tracheotomy and cricothyrotomy equipment) within your resuscitation department/have the equipment available to A&E? Yes 2 – Does your trust stock fiberoptic intubation equipment that is available in an emergency airway situation within A&E? No 3 – Does your trust stock video laryngoscopes […]

FOI 3385 Cardiac Test Beeps

Published: November 11, 2014

Some trusts rely on the traditional method of calling switchboard to respond to these bleeps whereas other trusts have an online facility on the trust intranet page to respond to these test bleeps.  I am contacting you to enquire if the latter takes place within your trust.   Our bleeps are tested daily by switchboard at […]

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