Coronavirus information

Visitor restrictions, information for patients and more.

View coronavirus information

Become a member: membership registration form


    How involved would you like to be?

    Where did you hear about membership?

    If you have a particular interest in one or more areas of healthcare, we'd very much like to know. Please tell us here:


    Have you ever been a patient in Heartlands, Good Hope, Solihull hospitals or in the Birmingham Chest Clinic?

    Do you care for somebody who is a patient in Heartlands, Good Hope, Solihull hospitals or in the Birmingham Chest Clinic?

    Please let us know your employment status

    If other, please state:

    Are you male or female?

    What is your ethnic origin?


    Are you registered disabled?

    If you need us to send you information in any of the following formats, please tick the relevant boxes:

    Thinking of going to Accident and Emergency but not sure if you need to? Try our handy symptom checker.

    Try ask A&E

    We're improving the accessibility of our websites. If you can't access any content or if you would like to request information in another format, please view our accessibility statement.