We are happy to receive referrals from occupational physicians and nurses in charge of occupational health departments, as well as GPs, chest physicians and other specialists.
Occupational health clinicians need to supply us with details of possible work exposures, as well as copies of any lung function tests already carried out.
Appointments can be made on: 0121 424 1940
The main situations leading to referral to the Chest Clinic are:
- Alveolitis
- Asbestos related pleural disease
- Asthma or COPD
- Lung cancer
- Mesothelioma
- Occupational infections including tuberculosis and legionella
- Pneumoconiosis
- Rhinitis
- Sick Building Syndrome
What to expect
As a patient you will see a specialist in occupational respiratory medicine who will give advice on diagnosis, management at work and treatment of all lung diseases which might be due to work. All consultants are able to give advice and help on benefits agency and common law compensation.
Methacholine testing for clarification of asthma at pre-employment for police, fire and military recruits is also provided, together with employment advice for those with lung disease.
The main clinic is on a Friday afternoon, and some clinics also take place on Thursdays. Your first clinic appointment is likely to take at least two hours, apart from pre-employment methacholine testing, which will take approximately one hour.
At your first visit you will complete a full occupational history, have measurements of your breathing, and also have a chest x-ray which will be discussed during your visit. Asthmatics will have allergy tests as well as a discussion of your medical history and appropriate examination.