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Solihull mums are simply the breast as they help break global record

big latch on 2The Solihull Community Infant Feeding Service was out in force during World Breastfeeding Awareness Week giving advice and guidance to mums on breastfeeding – and helping to break a global record in the process.

The team from the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust together with local mums and babies were at Mell Square Shopping Centre in Solihull last week taking part in the Big Latch On 2015 as they looked to help break the Global Big Latch On record for the most women breastfeeding simultaneously.

It has now been confirmed that 14,889 children latched for one minute in over 176 countries to smash the previous record and 12 mums with their babies played their part in Solihull.

Elaine Bates, infant feeding specialist at the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, said the team had enjoyed taking part in the record attempt and were delighted to help break the record.

She said: “It was great to have all the mums and babies in one place to take part in this global record attempt and promote the natural and important process that is breastfeeding. To have been a small part in breaking the record as well really puts the icing on the cake.”

The theme of this year’s World Breastfeeding Awareness Week (August 1-7) is working women and breastfeeding and part of its aim is to campaign for women to be supported in combining breastfeeding and work, whether in the formal sector, non-formal sector, or at home.

“By taking part in the Big Latch On in Mell Square we hope we have helped to support this message and had an enjoyable time while doing it,” Elaine added.

For further advice and support on breastfeeding, please contact Solihull Community Infant Feeding Service on 0121 713 8924, email or visit their website

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