12 Days of Christmas
2018 is a New Year and we thought we’d spend the twelve days of Christmas sharing some stories and successes from the last year from across the Trust.
We’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year.
On the eighth day…

Claire Johnson, specialist organ donation nurse, next to the organ donation lift wraps at Heartlands.
8 in 10 of us agree it’s important to tell those closest to us our views about organ donation after death, but only a third say their family knows their wishes about organ donation.
Surveys have also repeatedly shown that while over 75% of people agree to the idea of donating their organs after death, less than 30% have registered this on the National Organ Donation Register. There are many reasons for this, including that families may feel uncomfortable about discussing death, or have just not got around to it. Often, when a loved one dies, their family do not know what their wishes might have been and it can be difficult for a family to consider this during their grief.
Sign up today at www.organdonation.nhs.uk and share your wishes with your family.