Getting a good night’s sleep
Published: January 27, 2016
Not getting enough sleep, feeling stressed and having a poor diet can all lead to tiredness. Did you know lack of sleep can make you more prone to medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity? If you wake up feeling tired and throughout the day you are craving for a nap, it is […]

How to prevent norovirus this winter
Published: January 27, 2016
With winter here, it is that time of year where norovirus is more common. Around 600,000 – 1 million people living in the UK catch the disease every year. Known as the winter vomiting bug, norovirus can affect people of all ages and is highly contagious. The virus can easily be spread to others through […]

Taking care of yourself this winter
Published: January 27, 2016
Self-Care Week is just around the corner and is a national campaign to help promote the benefits of self-care. Each year a different theme is chosen for Self-Care Week and this year’s theme is: ‘self-care for life,’ to help you take control of your health throughout your whole life. Self-care means keeping fit and healthy, […]

AAA Screening
Published: June 11, 2018
The NHS Central England Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Programme, hosted by the vascular department at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, provides screening to men aged 65+ within Birmingham, Solihull, Sandwell, South East Staffordshire and East Staffordshire. Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) screening is a way of detecting swelling of the aorta – the main blood vessel that […]

Lung Cancer Awareness Month
Published: October 23, 2015
Did you know lung cancer is the most common cause of cancer related death in the United Kingdom? Over 41,000 people are diagnosed with the condition every year (source: www.nhs.uk). November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month which aims to raise awareness of the disease and how people can spot the early signs and symptoms. So what […]

Have you had your flu jab?
Published: October 23, 2015
With winter around the corner, the infection prevention control team at our Trust are encouraging members of the public to arm themselves against flu and get vaccinated. Flu is an unpleasant, infectious viral illness which travels easily from person to person as well as in the air. Like any virus, you can catch the flu […]

How to reduce your cholesterol levels
Published: October 23, 2015
This month is National Cholesterol Month aiming to highlight the risks of having high cholesterol levels and how to develop healthy eating habits. Cholesterol is a substance that clogs the arteries and causes them to narrow. This then forces the heart to work extra hard and if the arteries become completely blocked, this can result […]

Quit smoking this Stoptober
Published: October 23, 2015
Have you taken up the Stoptober challenge? Comedians Al Murray, Shappi Khorsandi, Bill Bailey and Rhod Gilbert are all encouraging people to take up the challenge to stop smoking for 28 days. Around 23,000 people in the West Midlands signed up to Stoptober last year. To mark the return of the nation’s biggest mass quit […]

Go blue this September
Published: October 23, 2015
Next week marks the start of Blue September which aims to put the fun factor into delivering a serious message about men facing up to cancer. Blue September UK is a major new cancer campaign which will tackle all the cancers that affect men by raising awareness, improving prevention and symptom knowledge, and encouraging men […]

Kate Granger Awards
Published: February 16, 2016
This year’s Kate Granger Awards for Compassionate Care is just around the corner and aims to recognise individuals, teams and organisations working within the NHS who have made a huge difference to patient care. The awards, to be presented at the Health and Innovation Expo 2015 in Manchester on 02/03 September, are named after Dr […]