Please could you provide the below information for date range 01/04/2016 – 30/04/2017 for Nursing and HCA Staff within the Trust
- Spend Overall for A and E, ITU, General Nurses, Theatres
- Number of shifts filled and agency spend at November cap for A and E, ITU, General Nurses, Theatres
- Number of shifts filled and agency spend at Feb rate Cap for A and E, ITU, General Nurses, Theatres
- Number of shifts filled and agency spend at Secondary / break glass framework rates for A and E, ITU, General Nurses Theatres
- Number of shifts filled and agency spend through none framework agencies for A and E, ITU, General Nurses, Theatres
- Could you please detail the number of agencies you have on your tier 1 supplier list names for nursing staff ?
- Please detail the names of agencies you use off framework and breakdown of the charge rates ?
- Could you please detail the number of reported agency DNA shifts within the trust 01/04/2016 – 30/04/2017
- Could you please detail the number of shifts or hours that remained unfilled by agency and if possible in category A and E, ITU, General Nurses, Theatres
See attached FOI 5240