We would like to know the following information; please can you answer the questions below and return within 20 working days?
1. Number of junior doctors within your Trust?
2. Number of career grade doctors (to include consultants, GPs, Associate Specialists and Specialty Doctors)?
3. Number of medical honorary contract holders (to include observerships and clinical attachments)?
4. Please confirm how many members of staff you have within your medical staffing/HR team; please confirm headcount, WTE and banding (AfC).
Medical Staffing
Please see Attached PDF Document
5. Do you have a separate medical education team to your medical staffing/HR team?
a. If yes, please confirm headcount, WTE and banding (AfC).
Please see Attached PDF Document
6. Please confirm which of the following activities are undertaken by your Medical Staffing/HR team:
Employee relations.
Payroll – We process the payroll documentation for payment, but we have a payroll department.
Appraisal and revalidation – We request and process the information but the appraisal and revalidation team will arrange appraisals etc .
On call rota management.
Junior doctor changeover/rotations (to include work schedules, rota analysis, exception reporting, induction activities, IT set up, supply of mobile devices- please specify).
Supply of medical locums/medical locum bank.
Other activities; please provide any further information that you may wish to add that hasn’t been included above.
E-rostering also sits within the Medical Staffing team.