Freedom of Information Request: 0649
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB) completed a merger by acquisition of Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (HEFT) on 1st April 2018. Due to historical differences in data collection/reporting across UHB and the former Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust this response has been provided by hospital site.
- Does your Trust use an electronic system to record and manage clinical and non-clinical incidents including patient safety incidents?
- If yes to question 1, what is the name of the system you use to record and manage clinical and non-clinical incidents within the Trust?
- In relation to the system named in question 2, do you use the system for any other functions other than the reporting and management of incidents?
Yes. - If yes to question 3, could you please detail what additional functions the system is used for (i.e complaints management and risk management)?
Risk management.
Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham
- Could you please provide the cost of the system named in question 2 for the last financial year (2017/18)?
Please see attached.
- If possible, could you please provide the cost of the system named in question 2 for the last 5 financial years?
Please see attached.
Heartlands, Good Hope and Solihull Hospital
- Could you please provide the cost of the system named in question 2 for the last financial year (2017/18)?
- If possible, could you please provide the cost of the system named in question 2 for the last 5 financial years?
2017/18 – £40,740
2016/17 – £38,800
2015/16 – £36,953
2014/15 – £27,855
2013/14 – £26,529
Please see attached documents below.