Safeguarding our patients and visitors, both children and adults is a key priority at the Trust. We expect all our staff to be able to identify a safeguarding concern if it arises and to respond appropriately and promptly to minimise harm.
If you think a child may be immediately at risk of severe danger contact the police on 999
To ensure that safeguarding is always given high priority within the organisation there is an executive board lead for safeguarding – this is the chief nurse and the safeguarding team are accountable to her.
The Trust’s Safeguarding Unit consists of a team of professionals who together provide:
- Advice, support and guidance to staff regarding safeguarding matters
- Safeguarding training
- Supervision
- Audit
The team are actively engaged with our local safeguarding children and adult boards to ensure a joined up approach to safeguarding with other partner organisations.
The team includes:
- The head of safeguarding and the named nurse for children team – Acute and Community
- The named doctors for safeguarding children
- The lead nurse and doctor for safeguarding adults
- The named midwife and her team of specialist midwives
- The safeguarding trainer
- Administrative and PA support
If you have a concern about a child’s welfare you can contact:
- Birmingham social care team on 0121 303 1234 or out of hours on 0121 675 4806
- Solihull social care team on 0121 788 4333 or out of hours on 0121 605 6060
- Staffordshire social care team on 0300 111 8010 or out of hours on 0345 604 2886
The NSPCC can be contacted on 0808 800 5000 or by visiting
I am a child and I am concerned about my own safety
Please Contact Child Line on 0800 1111 or by visiting their website
I am concerned about an adult
If the adult you are concerned about lives in Birmingham then call 0121 303 1234 (option 1) or email For further information visit For the Solihull area call 0121 704 8007 or email
Contact us
We are always looking at how we can improve the effectiveness of safeguarding in the organisation and are to open to suggestions about how we might make things better.
If you have any ideas that could help us improve please email us at or call the safeguarding unit 0121 424 9235 between 9am and 5pm or the safeguarding children hotline 07976255169