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Smiles of joy as £3K donated for Good Hope children

Pic 1Smiles of joy were all around Good Hope Hospital’s Children’s Assessment and Special Care Baby Units this week following a £3,000 donation by the Rotary Club of Erdington.

The generous donation will go towards redecorating the Units to ensure the children’s stay in hospital is as bright as possible.

The Rotary Club of Erdington raised the funds from a variety of sources – including collection tins, quiz nights, raffles, tombolas, standing bingo, book sales and a turn as Santa at Star City – but the majority of the donation was a result of the Rotary Club being named Sainsbury’s Charity of the Year.

Every penny collected by the Rotary Club of Erdington, which has been supporting local, national and international projects for over 60 years, is donated to other charities with not a penny kept by the Club.

A delighted Brian Burton, President of the Rotary Club of Erdington, said: “The money we have donated to the Children’s Assessment and Special Baby Care Units at Good Hope is intended to help brighten up a child’s stay in hospital – however long that may be.  Working with these Units struck a particular cord with me as my great-granddaughter was born at 24 weeks and weighed less than a pound.”

If you are interested in raising money for your local Hospital, or a particular department, contact the Fundraising Team on 0121 424 3838 or email:

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