- Please confirm what frameworks are used to source medical locum doctors.
Health Trust Europe’s Total Workforce Solutions
- Please confirm what frameworks are used to source agency nurses.
Health Trust Europe’s Total Workforce Solutions
- Please confirm if there are any contractual relationship in place to source medical locum
We have a Call off Contract via the Total Workforce Solutions Framework
- Please confirm if there are any contractual relationship in place to source agency nurses.
We have a Call off Contract via the Total Workforce Solutions Framework
- Please confirm your current procurement/HR personnel and contact details for the procurement of medical locum doctors.
Simon Birley, Recruitment Services Manager, simon.birley@heartofengland.nhs.uk
- Please confirm your current procurement/HR personnel and contact details for the procurement of agency nurses.
Julie Nicholas Temporary Staffing Manager, julie.nicholas@heartofengland.nhs.uk
- Please confirm the spend on medical locum doctors for the financial year 2016/2017.
- Can this be broken down by agency.
- Can this be broken down by specialty.
See attached spreadsheets. Please note, a slight difference between the responses as 7a is based on invoices paid and 7b is based on cost incurred. FOI 5738Attachment7a FOI 5738Attachment7b
- Please confirm the spend on agency nurses for the financial year 2016/2017.
- Can this be broken down by agency.
- Can this be broken down by specialty.
See attached spreadsheets. As above, there is a slight difference between the responses as 8a is based on invoices paid and 8b is based on cost incurred. FOI 5738Attachment8a FOI 5738Attachment8b