Consultant Surgeon To Give Bowel Cancer Talk At Good Hope Hospital
Published: March 14, 2018
A free health seminar is being held at Good Hope Hospital to allow people to find out more about bowel cancer. Consultant colorectal surgeon Mark Chapman will be speaking about the condition on Wednesday 21 March at the hospital’s Education Centre in Sutton Coldfield. The event starts at 5.30pm and runs until 7.30pm. Bowel or […]

Trust granted prestigious status
Published: March 14, 2018
Our Trust has been commended for its ‘highly impressive” work in the prevention of the blood clot conditions known as venous thromboembolism (VTE). VTE is a collective term for both deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. These conditions affect thousands of people in the UK each year and can be potentially fatal. After visiting our Trust, […]

Heartlands Hospital’s Children’s A&E entrance has moved
Published: March 5, 2018
From Monday 19 February 2018, the entrance to Heartlands Hospital’s Children’s A&E relocated to the side of the main A&E next to the Heartlands Hospital main entrance. This is in order to continue with the improvements being made to the Hospital’s A&E. As part of these changes the central corridor from the waiting room in […]

Weather conditions update
Published: March 2, 2018
Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust is working hard to ensure it is business as usual. If you have an appointment/procedure scheduled with us you should assume that it will go ahead as usual, unless you are contacted to say otherwise. Please attend your appointment/clinic as detailed on your letter. If you are unable to […]

Celebrating LGBT History Month with first Trust conference
Published: February 16, 2018
The Trust held its first LGBT conference this month, exploring sexual orientation and gender identity. The day was a huge success with over 120 people attending, including Trust staff and guests from partner organisations. Dame Julie Moore, Interim Chief Executive, was our first speaker. She told her story of being out and a woman in […]

Preparing for colder weather
Published: February 5, 2018
The Met Office has said that cold conditions, presently affecting all parts of the country, are likely to stay in place for several days, meaning most people will have to contend with snow, ice and low temperatures. Spells of weather like this can put older people, those with underlying health conditions and young children, at […]

Improving end of life care
Published: February 16, 2018
In April 2017, a quality improvement project focusing on End of Life Care started on Ward 30 at Heartlands Hospital. As part of this project, a suite of three types of new documentation was devised focussing on recognising someone in the last months of their life, managing uncertainty, and care in the very last days […]

New £2million Chemotherapy Unit to open in Solihull
Published: January 17, 2018
A £2.2million chemotherapy unit which will improve provision for cancer patients is to open at Solihull Hospital. Work is scheduled to start soon to transform an empty ward into a modern new facility which has been specifically designed to meet the needs of chemotherapy patients. The investment by the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, […]

New Year baby joy for first-time mum
Published: January 3, 2018
Katrina Jones welcomed her new son into the world at 12.02am on 1 January at Heartlands Hospital, making George Jake Rowland the first baby to be born in 2018 at Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust. George is 30-year-old Katrina’s first baby and her partner Keith was there to support her throughout the birth. George […]

Christmas and New Year pharmacy opening times
Published: December 12, 2017
With the Christmas holidays approaching, the local pharmacy opening times listed below might come in handy. A lot of people don’t realise how useful their pharmacy can be and they can help you with more than you might think. Pharmacists offer expert, confidential advice and treatment for many minor health problems, particularly winter illnesses such […]