FOI 4552 Haemochromatosis
Published: September 20, 2016
GEN 014 SOP Venesection RN a. the number of patients treated with hemochromatosis in 2015 who are in maintenance phase of the treatment (*) b. the number of patients treated with hemochromatosis in 2015 who are in PRE-maintenance phase of the treatment (+) The total number of patients treated with hemochromatosis during 2015 was 177. […]
FOI 4441 Agency Nursing Staff
Published: September 20, 2016
How many nursing shifts (for nurses of any grade) have you needed to cover with agency staff from 31st March 2015, to 31st March 2016? 128050 2.How much did you spend in total on agency staff between 31stMarch 2015 and 31st March 2016? The Trust spent £11.2m on agency Nursing during 2015/16. For questions 3-8, the Trust does […]
FOI 4642 Hip and knee operations
Published: August 16, 2016
1. Does the NHS Trust provide arthroplasty (joint replacement services)? Yes 2. a) How many patients has the Trust treated for hip replacement in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2014? Please provide 5 answers, in calendar years. b) How many patients has the Trust treated for hip replacement revision in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2014? Please provide 5 answers, […]
FOI 4631 Neuroendocrine tumours
Published: August 5, 2016
In your trust, please provide the number of patients treated in the last 12 months who have been diagnosed [any diagnosis position] with neuroendocrine tumours 15 Of these how many have carcinoid syndrome (E34.0)? None Of the patients with neuroendocrine tumours (NETs), how many received with the following treatments: Somatuline Autogel (lanreotide) Somatuline LA (lanreotide) […]
Modern Slavery Statement 2018/2019
Published: July 3, 2019
Modern Slavery Statement 2018/2019 In accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (the ‘Trust’) annually publishes a Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement on the steps it has taken in the previous year to ensure that Modern Slavery (i.e. slavery and human trafficking), is not taking […]

Industrial action by junior doctors between Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 April
Published: April 24, 2016
The NHS is working hard to ensure that as few patients as possible are affected by the industrial action on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 April, but some services will need to change and some are likely to be busier than usual. Junior doctors will be striking from 8am to 5pm each day, including withdrawal […]

Success for HEFT as Solihull Together for better lives Award winners announced
Published: April 22, 2016
It was celebration time for HEFT staff as organisers announced the winners of the second Solihull Together for better lives awards at an inspiring ceremony. The awards were created in 2015 to recognise and celebrate outstanding work by individuals and organisations in Solihull to support vulnerable and frail people in the borough. The Rt Hon […]
Do you suffer from high blood pressure?
Published: February 24, 2016
You may be eligible to participate in a clinical study evaluating non-invasive ultrasound technology to treat resistant hypertension (high blood pressure) To be eligible *Your systolic blood pressure must be 160mmHg or more. *You must be being receiving at least 3 different blood pressure medications, one of which is a diuretic. There are other inclusions/exclusions. […]
Emergency Department Nursing Recruitment Open Day
Published: March 7, 2016
Location: Birmingham Heartlands Hospital B9 5SS Venue: Education Centre Date: 6 February 2016 from 10am to 6pm Description: Do you have a current, active nursing (NMC) pin? Are you an experienced adult or paediatric registered nurses who has the passion, dedication and commitment to provide excellent clinical care, in a fast paced and exciting clinical […]
Quality Improvements at Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
Published: January 15, 2016
VuDo (view do) – QR Codes; Improving patient experience and staff competence QR codes have been introduced to improve patient experience and staff competence, by providing short learning video at the point of use, of medical devices, at Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust. Medical devices that have been problematic to use in the past […]