FOI 5089 Birth Injuries
Published: March 17, 2017
How many women gave birth at hospitals within your trust during 2016, 2015, 2014? Of those women who gave birth how many of them suffered a birth injury? By birth injury I mean any type of tear 1-4th degree. Of those women who suffered a birth injury how many suffered a third degree tear? Of those […]
FOI 4982 Patient beds
Published: February 28, 2017
If your Trust provides private patient services, please supply the following information. 1a How many beds did the Trust have for NHS services in 2012?1,420 1b How many beds does the Trust have for NHS services in 2017?1,530 2a How many beds did the Trust have for private patients in 2012? None 2b How many […]
FOI 5038 Nursing staff
Published: February 13, 2017
Please provide a breakdown of nursing staff by pay band for each of the last five years. FOI 5038
FOI 4969 Surgical Instruments
Published: January 19, 2017
Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I would like to request information concerning the usage, price and supplier of surgical instruments. Please see attached document FOI4969
FOI 4935 ICT
Published: January 19, 2017
1 a: How much did your Trust spend in total on IT technologies and IT services during the 2015/2016 fiscal year? Purchase order value £8,757,006 1 b: By comparison, how much did your Trust spend in total on IT technologies and IT services during the 2014/2015 fiscal year? Purchase order value £9,636,461 (Data taken from […]
FOI 4942 Nurse Vacancies
Published: January 11, 2017
What was your whole time equivalent nursing establishment for each AfC band 5 to 8d, at i) 1 December 2016 ii) 1 December 2015? How many whole time equivalent nursing vacancies did you have, for each AfC band 5 to 8d, at i) 1 December 2016 ii) 1 December 2015? What was […]
FOI 4943 Waste services
Published: December 29, 2016
Who is the Trust’s waste manager and what are their contact details? Tony Cressey How much is spent on clinical waste per annum? (£) £585,000 How many tonnes of clinical waste are sent for alternative treatment (last financial year/12 months if possible)? 833 tonnes How many tonnes of clinical sharps waste are produced […]

Have an ‘elfy Christmas!
Published: December 7, 2016
Birmingham CrossCity Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has produced a series of videos about how to look after your health and where to get healthcare services during the winter. The series of videos feature a festive friend, Healthy Elfy to spread cheer and ‘elf advice on where to get help over the Christmas period. The videos demonstrate […]
FOI 4798 Working capital loans
Published: October 12, 2016
Can you please state how much the health trust has received in working capital loans from the Department of Health in the last five years, including the current financial year? To date the Trust has not received any working capital loans from the DoH either during 2016/17 or the preceding five years. The Trust is […]
FOI 4740 Electrical Materials
Published: October 3, 2016
Please state what your estimated annual spend is on electrical materials and associated products for the financial year 2015/2016. This might be against the agreement RM3747 – Building Materials and Associated Services, Lot 3 Electrical Where possible please state the suppliers you have bought from and the spend against them. Please see attached spreadsheet. FOI4740