Red Bags scheme launched
Published: August 29, 2018
A new project is being launched which will help with the transfer of patients between care homes in Solihull and our hospitals. The red bags scheme is a simple but effective way of improving communication between home and hospital – and it is also makes life easier for the patient. The bags, which have been […]

New Solihull Falls Team launched
Published: May 23, 2018
A new team has been set up in Solihull with the aim of reducing the number of people admitted to hospital after a fall. There are about 2,600 Solihull patients a year who end up in hospital following a fall and admissions are estimated to cost the health service about £7.5 million a year in […]

Breda is 10,000th West Mids recruit to 100k
Published: May 16, 2018
The West Midlands Genomic Medicine Centre (WMGMC) recently consented their 10,000th participant to the 100,000 Genomes Project. Breda Daly recently signed up to the pioneering project, which will improve medical knowledge of cancer and some rare diseases, potentially leading to diagnoses and improved treatments. Breda was asked if she wanted to take part in the […]

New chemotherapy unit at Solihull Hospital set to open to patients in May
Published: April 23, 2018
Solihull Hospital’s new £2.2 million chemotherapy unit is set to welcome its first patients during May. Next month, staff will be moving onto the site after four months of refurbishment work to convert an empty unit into a fantastic modern new facility. The unit, which will improve provision for cancer patients, will be known as […]
Mustafa Sajeel – emergency department consultant
Published: April 13, 2018
Mustafa is a consultant in ED and lead at Good Hope. He’s lived in Sutton Coldfield since 2007 and is married with two children. He moved to West Midlands in 2006 and started training as a registrar in Emergency Medicine. He has worked at different hospitals across the region including City Hospital, New Cross, Birmingham […]
Caroline Park – emergency medicine consultant
Published: April 29, 2019
Caroline has been an Emergency Medicine consultant here for 22 years. She is clinical governance lead for EM and a former clinical director. She is the lead for medical students in ED at Heartlands and has been active in developing both our ENP and ACP programmes. Caroline trained at the University of Birmingham Medical School […]
Ellen Jones – emergency department consultant
Published: April 13, 2018
Ellen, who has worked for us since 1996, is based mainly at Heartlands but rotates to Good Hope and Solihull. As well as her Emergency Department consultant role she is also an inspirational education champion for emergency medicine and Head of School for postgraduate training in Emergency Medicine in the West Midlands. She started her […]
Aidan McNamara – emergency department consultant
Published: April 13, 2018
Aidan is an experienced and highly respected consultant who has worked at the Trust for 20 years. He joined us in 1998 after training and qualifying in Dublin. A former clinical director at the Trust, he mainly works at Heartlands Hospital but also works at Good Hope Hospital’s emergency unit and the Minor Injuries Unit […]
Catrin Dyer – emergency department consultant
Published: April 13, 2018
Catrin (Cat) is an emergency department consultant who works across our three hospitals. Cat, who is accredited in paediatrics, is on her second spell working for us. She says she rejoined in October 2016 – and say that largely because of the great people in the ED team. She is originally from South Wales and […]

Community nurse honoured with Solihull Together award
Published: March 23, 2018
End-of-life care practitioner Kellie Owen won the Health Professional of the Year category in this year’s Solihull Together Awards. Trust worker Kellie was nominated for “making a huge difference to patients and families in Solihull after taking on a challenging new role in a very difficult area to work in”. Kellie, who works with patients […]