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Search Results for: structure

FOI 5753 GDPR compliance

Published: February 26, 2018

How would you describe your GDPR preparedness? Already compliant On target to be compliant by May 25th 2018 Project underway but suffering difficulties Barely started Haven’t started The Trust does not meet any of these descriptions in relation to GDPR preparedness.  I can confirm that work to prepare us is on-going and will continue.   […]

FOI 5679 Fixed Telecommunications and Internet Services

Published: January 8, 2018

If there is more than one supplier for each of the contract information I am requesting below please can you split each contract individually and not combined. Please also separate the expiry data and spend and number of lines for each supplier. An example of this can be viewed at the bottom of this request. […]

Twelve Days of Christmas – on the third day…

Published: December 18, 2017

It’s nearly the end of 2017 and we thought we’d spend the 12 Days of Christmas sharing some stories and successes from the last year from across the Trust. We’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year. On the third day of Christmas… A man from Warwickshire has a new lease of life […]

FOI 5541 Electronic Patient Record system

Published: December 1, 2017

1. What Electronic Patient Record system do you currently use? Concerto, iCare(internally developed), Proton (for Renal), Medisoft (optometry), Carestream dental 2. The structure of your EPR team (including names/positions) Concerto – Ali Bahroni – Software Development Manager Icare – Jonathan Daniels – Systems Architect Medisoft – Anil Negi – Consultant Ophthalmologist and Clinical Lead Glaucoma […]

FOI 5581 Press Office

Published: November 27, 2017

1. The budget for your organisation’s press office/media department in 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2015/16 and 2016/17 Please see spreadsheet attached Budgets annual 2011-12 – 2016-17   2. The headcount of staff employed in your organisation’s press office/media department in 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2015/16 and 2016/17 Please see PDF attached FOI 5581 3. A structure chart and job […]

FOI 5555 Diabetes

Published: October 30, 2017

1. The number of patients with Type 1 diabetes that are currently treated as an outpatient in the hospitals in Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust. We do not hold this information – we do not have a database of patients across the Trust detailing this information 2. The number of patients with Type 2 […]

FOI 5522 WiFi Provider Contracts

Published: October 27, 2017

1. Wi-Fi Provider- Who is the contracted supplier for the Wi-Fi contract. Qolcom 2. Average Annual Spend – Please state the annual average spend over three years for each supplier. If this is a new contract please state the estimate annual average spends. If there is more than one Wi-Fi provider please split annual for […]

FOI 5534 Routes of Spend by Category

Published: October 26, 2017

Please can you confirm how much was spent in Total in the last 12 months broken down into the below 17 categories and then further by route of purchase by A, B, C & D. Routes of Purchase Supply Chain (or other wholesaler) £13,397,484 Framework agreements via 3rd Party We do not hold this information […]

FOI 5524 Risk Department

Published: October 19, 2017

I would like to request an up to date structure as of current for the Risk department to include job titles, banding & type i.e. permanent or fixed term  For clarity, please can this include the whole of the Risk/ Governance Team. Please find attached PDF. FOI5524

FOI 5461 Biologics in dermatology

Published: September 8, 2017

Please find below questions being asked via Freedom of Information for Solihull Hospital and Good Hope Hospital These questions aim to understand the use of biologics in Dermatology and activity in Atopic Dermatitis. Funding pre-NICE; 1. Is it your Trust/CCG policy to wait until 90 days post NICE guidance to fund new drugs or do they […]

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