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Search Results for: structure

FOI 5327 Nursing vacancies

Published: July 31, 2017

1)Leaver rate of Nurses as a percentage of all nursing posts at Solihull Hospital in the year to September 2016. 8.89% 2)The number of nursing post vacant since September 2016 at Solihull Hospital by department and grade of post We do not hold this information as we no longer report by site in the Trust’s […]

FOI 5293 Trust contacts

Published: July 12, 2017

I would like information about the Information governance structure in your organisaiton. 1)      Please can you provide me with a copy of the IG Structure within your organisaiton? 2)      Do you have an information security manager? ·         If so, what Grade/Band are they on? ·         On what date was the post put on that grade? ·         What qualifications are required […]

FOI 5297 Serious incidents

Published: July 3, 2017

The total number of Serious Incidents (formally referred to as Serious Untoward Incidents – SUIs) recorded by your Trust (accompanied by a list of these recorded incidents – where possible), during the financial year of: a. 2016/17 286 serious incidents. Please note this information is held in different formats by the relevant departments and is […]

FOI 5277 Epilepsy

Published: July 3, 2017

Seizure freedom project – Freedom of Information request questions Q1 Please provide the name of your Trust Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Q2 What type of adult epilepsy service do you provide? Hospital outpatient clinic Q3 Where do you provide your adult epilepsy clinics? Please list the clinic location postcodes: On the three sites: […]

FOI 5270 Cyber attacks

Published: June 16, 2017

Do you deal with computer security in-house or do you use a contractor? In house supported 2. If you use a contractor what is the name of the company? Not applicable 3. How much do you pay the contractor? Not applicable 4. Who is your Head of IT or equivalent role who has responsibility for […]

FOI 4836 ICT

Published: June 16, 2017

What is your annual IT Infrastructure Budget for 2016 & 2017? £6,190,000 What storage vendor(s) and model do you currently use? Netapp / 2x 6210 1x 2240 When was the installation date of above storage vendor(s)? 12/2012 When is your planned (or estimated) storage refresh date? (Month/year) 12/2019 What is your estimated budget for the […]

FOI 5258 IM&T

Published: June 6, 2017

Who is the Trust’s current supplier for their Electronic Patient Record? SCC – ORION (Concerto) / iCare   – (Inhouse development) What is the contract start and end date for the Electronic Patient Record?   01/06/2017 – 30/6/2018 Who is the Trust’s current supplier for your Patient Administration System? In house development with IBM support What is […]

FOI 5278 ICT contacts

Published: June 6, 2017

  I would like to obtain the full name, title and email address of the ICT manager/service manager within Patient Technologies or your ICT Technologies department.     Stephen Chiltern Interim ICT Director Lee Wootton Head of Business Delivery ICT BHH Didier Meert Head of ICT Infrastructure Services           […]

FOI 5212 Lipid clinic

Published: June 9, 2017

Please confirm the total number of referrals to the Trust’s lipid clinic during the financial years: 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16. Year All referrals 11/12 1,325 12/13 1,658 13/14 1,548 14/15 1,365 15/16 1,517 16/17 1,608    Please confirm the total number of referrals to the Trust’s lipid clinics from (a) general practice […]

FOI 5122 Cyber Security

Published: April 11, 2017

  Has your organisation completed all of the government’s ’10 steps to cyber security’? o   Yes o   No The Trust does hold this information. However we are holding it under section 31 (1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000:   Information … is exempt information if its disclosure under this Act would, or would […]

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