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Search Results for: structure

FOI 5093 Clinical trials

Published: March 30, 2017

What clinical trials the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (HEFT) has operated/ offered to patients in relation to treatment of prostatitis/ prostate cancer; The request did not specify a time point so the following is a list of trials which have been undertake at HEFT in the past 3 years: Still recruiting: –          Stampede: […]

FOI 5076 ICT

Published: March 17, 2017

1. What is your annual IT Infrastructure Budget for 2016, 2017 & 2018? 2017/18 We do not hold this information as it is yet to be finalised 2016/17 £343,462 2015/16 £581,628   2. What storage vendor(s) and model do you currently use? Netapp: FAS6210 / FAS2240   3. When was the installation date of above […]

FOI 5006 ICT

Published: March 17, 2017

Can you update the attached spreadsheet where we ask about general IT infrastructure and cyber security information please? FOI5006

FOI 5064 ICT Strategy

Published: March 16, 2017

I would like to submit a freedom of information request for the following document relating to the following: ICT Documents ICT Strategy- I require the document that hold future plan and strategy of the organisation’s ICT department. We do not have a documented ICT strategy.  Under the leadership of the Medical Director a new governance […]

FOI 5080 Electronic Procurement Systems

Published: March 9, 2017

This Freedom of Information request concerns eProcurement systems (electronic procurement systems) used by the Trust. This includes any/all software tools used by the Trust within the procurement department to facilitate the sourcing and purchasing of goods and/or services used by the Trust. This information gathering exercise is being carried out to assess the efficiency and […]

Warwickshire man receives 3D-printed sternum and ribs in a UK first 

Published: February 2, 2017

A man from Warwickshire has a new lease of life after a team from Birmingham Heartlands Hospital successfully implanted a custom built 3D-printed titanium sternum and ribs to replace those that were removed following a rare bone infection six years ago. 60 year-old Edward Evans’ story featured on BBC2’s Trust Me, I’m a Doctor on […]

FOI 4973 ICT – Cloud Services

Published: January 16, 2017

1. Are you currently using any cloud services from a public cloud vendor such as Amazon, Microsoft etc? No 2. What services are you using? Not applicable 3. Who is responsible for maintaining these relationships? Not applicable 4. If not, have you plans to begin using any such services in the next 3 years? No […]

FOI 4886 GPs in Emergency Department

Published: December 1, 2016

*is the Trust planning to use GPs within any of its emergency departments over the winter months? The Trust routinely uses GPs in the Emergency Department at Heartlands Hospital to provide a step down option for patients who do not need ED level care. *has the Trust recruited/is the Trust planning to recruit GPs to […]

FOI 4844 Clinical Coding

Published: November 22, 2016

  Which directorate of the organisation does the clinical coding department fall into? – Finance   Please supply structure of your clinical coding department including AfC bands for each role. Attached Clinical Coding Department   How many clinical coders does the trust employ? 38 including Auditors/Trainers & Supervisors   How many contract clinical coders work with/for […]

Community Podiatric Surgery

Published: August 26, 2020

Podiatric surgery is the surgical treatment of the foot and its associated structures. It is undertaken by podiatric surgeons and can be safely carried out under local anaesthetic either with or without sedation.  We specialise in day case elective foot surgery. You will be provided with extensive information at every stage of your journey, allowing […]

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