FOI 3213 Maternity
Published: August 1, 2014
3213 information for number of antenatal bookings for trust 2011-2014 FOI 3213 information for number of women delivered by trust 2011-2014 Q3 FOI 3213 The number of antenatal bookings undertaken by your Trust per month from April 2011 to June 2014 Attached The number of women delivered per month at your Trust from April 2011 […]

Brummie doctor ranked among world’s best
Published: July 10, 2014
A Heartlands Hospital consultant physician has been named as one of the top ten diabetes researchers around the globe. Professor Anthony Barnett is the only Brit named in the first ten of the World’s top doctors in the research and treatment of type 2 diabetes announced this week by expert ranking index, Expertscape. The Professor […]
FOI 3126 Surgery Reconfiguration
Published: June 20, 2014
08 Surgery reconfiguration paper 3 Jun 14 12 Surgery Reconfiguration portrait 27 MAY 14 12.1 Surgery Recofiguration Appendix 27 MAY 14 Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The response to your query attached. We have included public committee documents and the press release which we issued. We […]
FOI 3123 Junior Doctors and Mortality
Published: June 20, 2014
FINAL FOI 3123 The response to your query is detailed below and attached: We have been unable to answer the questions (2-4) on doctors hours as this would exceed the staff time limit of 18 hours. We also have not been able to provide never event information (question 5) further back than […]
FOI 3114 New Innovations
Published: June 20, 2014
HII FOI Questionnaire Trust HEFT

Medics warn locals to be aware of the ‘silent stealer of vision’
Published: July 9, 2014
Hospital specialists at Heartlands Hospital are calling for locals to have a greater awareness of glaucoma this week, an eye condition which affects the vision of around 480,000 people in the country every year and is the nation’s second most common cause of blindness. Consultant ophthalmologist, Mr Anil Negi, said: “Glaucoma is caused by a […]

Good Hope welcomes the community to its hospital fete this summer
Published: July 15, 2014
Locals are invited to make a date with Good Hope’s annual community fete, set to sizzle this summer with a day packed full of fun activities. Taking place on Sunday 13 July in and around the Hospital’s Treatment Centre between 10am and 3pm, there is something for everyone to enjoy. The fete includes: Kids’ activities […]
Remember: wash your hands & help protect our patients. Clean your hands with soap & water before entering & leaving ward areas.
Published: September 26, 2014
A3_wash hands_majorhandwash
FOI 3088 Gynaecology
Published: June 6, 2014
FOI Questions April 2014 – HWL001

Hospital hosts talk for locals on one of the UK’s biggest killers
Published: July 9, 2014
With over 100,000 people in the UK having a heart attack each year, and heart disease affecting one in five men and one in every eight women; Solihull Hospital is hosting a public seminar on the heart and CPR techniques. Taking place in the Education Centre at Solihull Hospital on Tuesday 10 June between 5pm […]