FOI 3788 Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust – Hospital Catering
Published: June 17, 2015
Which of your hospitals have on site kitchens? Solihull Hospital – Main Central Production Unit – preparation and cooking of patient meals for 3 sites using a cook chill method. Heartlands Hospital – End unit meal assembly and holding area for decanting of cook chill meals prior to delivery to wards delivered from Solihull CPU. […]
FOI 3839 Decisions on the formulary position of lipid/cholesterol lowering drugs
Published: June 17, 2015
Which person or which group of people are responsible for making decisions on the formulary position of lipid/cholesterol lowering drugs? Initial review of any new drugs applications is undertaken by the Trust Medicines Assessment and Advisory Group. Should this group support the application, then for any drugs which would impact on primary care prescribing this […]

Good Hope ward 11 recognised as mental capacity act champions
Published: May 15, 2015
Ward 11 at Good Hope Hospital didn’t think of themselves as champions of the mental capacity act. But they have been recognised during a visit by Birmingham South Central Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for their good practice. Lots of small changes have been made to build the autonomy, dignity and wellbeing of the patients on the […]
FOI 3713 Barrett’s oesophagus
Published: April 28, 2015
Please provide figures for your Trust, for (i) 2011/12, (ii) 2012/13 and (iii) 2013/14: 1. No. of patients diagnosed with Barrett’s oesophagus (Specify time period)– i) 583 ii) 466 iii) 559 a. Of those diagnosed with Barrett’s oesophagus, the number with high grade dysplasia – Cannot separate high grade/low grade as coded under same […]
FOI 3625 Financial Structure
Published: March 12, 2015
Could you please provide me with a structure chart of the current Finance team, inclusive of member’s names and their job titles? If a structure chart is not available, could you please provide me with a list of the current members of the Finance team complete with their job titles? FD Office Structure – March 2015
FOI 3619 Leasing Commercial Space
Published: March 4, 2015
Please breakdown figure 1a) by name of company. 1) a. How many retail and other commercial spaces were leased on hospital premises in your trust in February 2010? Please breakdown figure 2a) by name of company. 2) a. How many retail and other commercial spaces were leased on hospital premises in your trust in […]
FOI 3437 Pest Control
Published: December 18, 2014
You asked: A list of the number of times pest controllers were called out to hospitals in your NHS Trust for the following periods: 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 Could the list show the location to which the controllers were called out, the reason they were called and the date? We answered:ghh Attachment11 SOL PEST CONTROL […]

Hospital hopes to improve outcomes for cystic fibrosis patients with new studies
Published: October 1, 2014
Doctors at Birmingham’s Heartlands Hospital have secured funding for two research projects that could transform the lives of patients with cystic fibrosis by allowing them to better monitor their own health and spend less time in hospital. The West Midlands Adult Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Centre at Heartlands, part of the Heart of England NHS Foundation […]

New appointments to management team at HEFT
Published: September 22, 2014
A former Birmingham critical care nurse who has gone on to use his experience to deliver improvements in management roles is looking forward to doing the same as he begins a new chapter in his career with the Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust. Pete Gordon (pictured left) will begin work at the Trust, which […]
FOI 3256 Patient Transp[p
Published: August 29, 2014
In the 2013/14 financial year how much money did you spend on providing patient transport? How much of this was spent with private companies? Please provide me with the name of the largest private provider of patient transport to your trust in the last financial year, and how much you spent with them? • The […]