FOI 3098 – Breast surgery reports
Published: May 8, 2014
I would like sight of Dr Polson’s Report and Mr Hennessey’s Report as referred to in the Report by Sir Ian Kennedy published on 18th December 2013 in respect of his review of the response of HEFT to concerns about Ian Paterson’s surgical practice. Dr Polson’s Report and Mr Hennessy’s Report are attached. Please note that personal […]

Birmingham nurse presents innovative dementia care work at Houses of Parliament
Published: May 6, 2014
A senior nurse from Birmingham has discussed the innovative dementia care work taking place at Heartlands Hospital in a high-profile presentation at the Houses of Parliament. Helen Seymour, senior sister of ward 30 at Heartlands Hospital, was invited by the National Council for Palliative Care (NCPC) to present her findings on how her team and […]
FOI 2996 Asbestos
Published: April 25, 2014
The response to your query is detailed below: We have been able to deliver parts 3,4 and 5 of your request but not parts 1 and 2. From our preliminary assessment listed below, we estimate that compliance with your request would exceed the appropriate costs limit under section 12 of the Freedom of information Act […]
FOI 2841 Cancelled Operations
Published: February 28, 2014
The attached spreadsheet FOI 2841 – All Specialties – No Beds 2008-2013 shows the number of operations that were cancelled for non-clinical reasons because there were no beds available, by quarter and by specialty. This data refers to ‘last minute’ (on the day) hospital-led cancellations. Clarification – CANCELLED OPERATIONS FOI Further to the Freedom of […]
FOI 2979 Vacancy rates A and E
Published: February 28, 2014
a) Vacancy rates and numbers of vacancies in your A&E department(s) which have lasted 3 months or more. Please see attached spreadsheet b) Total vacancy rates and a breakdown of numbers for junior doctors, doctors, consultants and qualified nursing, midwifery and health visiting positions per A&E department Please see attached spreadsheet FOI2797
FOI 2756 Outpatient Hysteroscopy/Biopsy – Pain control and Patient Choice
Published: February 28, 2014
1. The current patient information leaflet: please see attached, please note this is reproduced from the version from our Patient Information Database which logs leaflets provided to patients. 2. The current consent form: verbal consent is documented in patient’s notes 3. The current surgical protocol. Please see attached 4. Does the leaflet […]
FOI 2720 A and E
Published: February 28, 2014
The response to your query are detailed below: 1) Since October 1st 2008, the number of males aged 18 and over arriving at A&E to be treated whilst intoxicated (under the influence of alcohol or drugs). 2) Since October 1st 2008, the number of females aged 18 over arriving at A&E to be […]
FOI 2691 Agency, locum staffing – framework
Published: February 28, 2014
FOI 2691 The responses to your query are detailed below: 1. The amount spent by the trust on Agency medical locums for the period of April 2013 – Current April 2012 – April 2013 (financial year) April 2011 – April 2012 (financial year) Please see attached document 2. A breakdown of this spend by each […]
FOI 2684 Marginal emergency tarriff
Published: February 28, 2014
1. The income retained by the commissioner (the CCG and their predecessors) as a result of funds withheld or ‘defunded’ from your Trust under the application of the 30% marginal emergency tariff in each financial year since it was introduced: so for financial years 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13. Please see attached spreadsheet for 2010/11 […]
FOI 2671 Pest control and translation services
Published: February 28, 2014
Please can you send me: – The amount of money spent on pest control in your trust over the past five years. Please could you break this down year by year. In each case of spending please you provide details of what pest control service was provided and name the company used if possible. For […]